version sixteen: when life takes over
Random Generators

Random Generators

Please remember that the generators are very limiting, and one shouldn't rely on them too heavily (e.g. the animal generator cannot possibly generate every species of animal in the world, since there are too many).


Step one: .

If power:
If trait:
If familiar: either use random animal, or look up animals within specified category/biome in the Animal Database.
Random animal:
Random animal category:
Random biome:

Random(ise) power & trait

Random power:
Random trait:

For choice of 5, refresh until you get 5 different options.

Fireworks Crate & Santa Sack

Number of prizes for Fireworks Crate:
Prize one:
Prize two:

Random Santa Sack prize:

Point bundles & gift cards

Generating random points
Min value: 1
Max value:

Gift Cards:
Small: 50 - 300$
Medium: 200 - 500$
Large: 300 - 800$
Extra Large: 500 - 1,100$

Mystery Familiar

Random number:

1: ordinary familiar shape is given.
Random animal:
Random animal category:
Random biome:

2: .
Random colour:
Random trait:
Random extinct prey animal:
Random extinct predator animal:
Random Shamanimal:
Random mythical animal:

Random(ise) familiar

Random animal:
Random animal category:
Random biome:

Gift boxes

Animal Gift Boxes

For a Chosen gift box, the player chooses an ordinary (non mythical or extinct) animal. For Random, you randomly generate an animal first.

Random animal:
Random animal category:
Random biome:

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

If trait:
If pet:
Random colour:

Baby Gift Box

First, determine if the player receives a power or not. Then go to the item prizes.

If yes:

Number of item prizes:
Item one:
Item two:
Item three:
Item four:

Christmas Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

If pet:
If collectable:
If power:

Combat Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

If power:
If weapon:
If armour:

Easter Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

If pet:
If collectable:
If power:

Elemental Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

Familiar Gift Box

Always give 1x Ordinary Familiar item, then on top of that 1-3 prizes as below.

Number of prizes:
Item one:
Item two:
Item three:

Gratitude Gift Box

Prize one: generate random number of points - min value: 1, max value:
Prize two:
Prize three:
Prize four:

If power:
If trait:

Level Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

Spooky Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

If pet:
If collectable:
If power:

Psychic Gift Box

Number of prizes:
Prize one:
Prize two:
Prize three:

Valentine's Candy

Message: write a personalised message/compliment for the giftee.