If you need to submit any updates (e.g. member updates or claiming freebies) post them here. Update posts are occasionally skipped for a variety of reasons (database hosting site is down, forgotten passwords etc), none of which are personal. If this happens to you and your post has been pushed down the board, please re-post it or prod a member of staff!

Joining.2,000$, 1x Database Glitch and 1x Free Familiar.
Being the first to reply to an open/any post.+5 points (for that character).
Making a significant contribution to a sister site's new layout (coding the whole thing, or creating all the art, etc).800$ or +80 points.
Posting 1 ad for us (no spamming!).3$ or +1 point per ad.
Posting 1 ad for our sister site (no spamming!).2$ per ad.
Linking to us on your personal website.300$ or +30 points per link.
Linking to our sister site on your personal website.200$ or +20 points per link.
Referring a new player to us (they must post 3 times before you can claim).600$ or +60 points.
Referring a new player to our sister site (they must post 3 times before you can claim).400$ or +40 points.
Joining one of our sister sites (you must post 3 times before you can claim).500$ or +50 points per site.
Responding to one of our surveys.50$ and +5 points.
Posting each month.+10 points for each character you post that month, to be claimed at the end of the month.
Posting in increments of 5 each month.For each 5 posts you complete per month, you can claim 50$ at the end of the month.
Selling a non-collectable item from your bank.60% return on the shop value.
Selling a collectable item from your bank.See the 'Collectables' page.
Selling a character's assigned trait/power.10% return on the shop value.

Time check for claiming? All our contests, claims etc end at midnight in British time.
Time in Britain